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North Oxford Association Community Centre, Diamond Place, Summertown, Oxford, UK


7:30 - 8:30pm

An intermediate/advanced level class which combines technique and sequence building. Students are encouraged to start creating their own sequences and linking them with fluidity and musicality. Followers are taught to be more active in their own right, making for a deeper and more meaningful connection. Levels vary within the class so the content is adapted and students are challenged depending on their ability. We begin the class with technique focused exercises, solo or in partners.


8:30 - 9:30pm

Learn to dance Milonga and Vals, the sisters and counterparts of Tango. Derived from the African Candombe, Milonga dance is rythmical and fast paced (and great fun!), while Vals is more lyrical, circular and romantic. This class will help you to dance confidently in Milonga (social dance), as you learn to play with different types of music and discover steps which are typical to each style.


  • £10 per class (£8 student)

  • £15 per two consecutive classes (£12 student)

We accept cash and card payments.

Please note that classes do not run on bank holidays.  Make sure to check the calendar in case of any cancellation!
Getting there:

The Community Centre is just off Banbury Road, where the main shop are in Summertown (behind M&S). It is a 20 min walk from the city centre, or an easy bus ride.

There is free on-street parking on nearby roads after 6:30pm. There is also a paid car park at the rear of the building. The class is in the main hall, a hexagonal-shaped room (straight ahead as you come through the main doors!)

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